Friday 26 November 2010

From MIRC to Facebook

The first chat platform I used was called Freetel, It was very simple; choose a nick name then enter. After that you`ll find a very long list of people and you can choose who to ring. Everybody used a nickname and Back then, there was no issues about identities, because it was obvious the difference between our physical identities and Freetel identity. After that, a friend introduced me to MIRC, which not only one to one chat but also offer a room chat. And the room can gather lots of users. Every room can have it own rules, themes and topics. What’s distinguished MIRC from freetel is the feel of community inside its rooms. What started as a fake silly MIRC nickname became more attached to us and eventually became our new Identity which vary a lot from our physical identity. With our new identitiy we can be who ever we want, we present ourselves in  a compinations of interest, action figures and imagination. that why we feel much more comfotable with this "real fake" indentitiy. Although MIRC chat programme still exist but its ancient history now after the all new kind of social website like Facebook and MySpace that made the Cyber identity much more personal and interactive. What was just a simple nickname in a room became a homepage, a full profile with pictures, interest and friends. Our cyber identities are now the more dominate and although we might think our profile is only shown to our online friends we have to think first about the identity of these so call friends. So after all, even with the privacy button, do we really have privacy?!

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