Sunday 10 April 2011

Digital Globalisation

From the inventing of Gutenberg printing press in the mid 15th century until nowadays. Technology helped and shaped globalization as we know it.  In the 1960s Marshal McLuhan suggested that the world is becoming a global village by the advanced technology (Understanding Media: 1964, p. 5). Then many years after that Thomas L. Friedman described the scene from a golf club in downtown Bangalore, India, and how it is surrounded by buildings with brands like IBM, Microsoft and other American or multinational corporations. Then he writes: “No, this definitely not Kansas. It didn’t even seem like India. Was this the New World, Old World, or the Next World?” (The World is Flat: 2006, p. 4). Now most multinational corporation use the advantage of digital technology to outsource its jobs to countries like India and Indonesia where there is a relatively much cheaper labour than the US and EU countries.

This YouTube video is presenting how outsourcing jobs work in a very cynical way. It shows how all kind of businesses are outsourcing their call centre offices to India. And the reason why they always choose India is not just because of the cheap labour but also because there is no English language barrier in India.
So, is the advanced technologies are always good? Or are these problems such as outsourcing is just side effects of something good? What I`m sure about is that when I go to a new place I`m looking to see some new things and maybe shop and eat with different brands. If I ever go to the Forbidden City in Beijing, China, I`m definitely not looking to see a Starbucks there!

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